What’s the first thing that you notice when you visit a website? The visuals? The copy? The navigation? The time it takes the home page to load?

Answering ‘yes’ to any of the above considerations isn’t wrong. All of them matter, especially in today’s world, where your customers’ can evaluate your products or services on the go and in the palms of their hands.

Website design is much more than attractive graphics and catchy copy. It’s the combination of those factors and more. And they all play a critical role in the customer experience, which has quickly become the new battleground for attracting and retaining buyers.

Just how important is a website’s design to the customer experience? According to WebFX, 94% of first impressions relate to your site’s web design. What’s more, WebFX notes that 89% of consumers shop with a competitor after a poor user experience.*

Dennison Creative can help you deliver a powerful first impression, along with the tools to measure performance and SEO solutions to sustain high-quality organic traffic.

Want to build a better website?

Give us a call at (440) 283-5004 or contact us here. We’re ready to help!
